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How Hang Harvesting Kits can Influence the Quality of Crops?

No matter the size of your cannabis or hemp business, whether small scale or large scale, your harvesting method matters a full lot. Yeah, it largely influences the standard of your crops. That’s where our hang harvesting kit comes in.

We’ve been within the cannabis business for several years now and we’ve tried several conventional harvesting methods. Although these methods work, most of them take an excessive amount of time, space, and manpower.

The worst part is that we regularly suffer product loss. That’s not too good for business. you must know product loss equates to profit loss.

Hence, if your product quality isn't up to plain, you’ll be losing bent on competitors.

The DriFlower.Com  Hang Harvesting Oregon could be a timely solution to the cannabis and hemp harvesting game. It’s smooth as butter, saving you time, space, and money. Besides, it helps you maintain your product quality from the harvest to storage.

Relax, we’ll show you the way this innovative system designed by Jay Larkins and therefore the DriFlower team works.

But first, let’s discuss product quality.

Why Does the standard of Cannabis and Hemp Matter?
Gone are the timesonce you can escape with poor-quality products and still make a decent profit. the days have changed and there’s now a better demand for larger quantities of cannabis and hemp with good quality (their resin and oils intact).

Unfortunately, we've got many poor-quality cannabis and hemp products out there. And most times, it may be traced to poor handling of the flower from harvest to drying and storage.

Of course, these points aren't far-fetched, but let’s make them clearer.

You see, throughout the ages, the concept has been to chop crops, throw them during a wagon, bin, or trailer, and transport them to the drying area. But, most times, these are often damaging. Stacking plants on top of every other, totes over totes, puts the plant in danger of being crushed.

Worst still, leaving your crop for too long in an exceedingly confined space gives mold an opportunity to possess a feast, devaluing your harvest. But, undoubtedly, that’s not what you would like. We all want to induce value from our harvest and make a profit.

So the question is, “is there a simplified thanks to maintain the standard of crops?

How the DriFlower Hang Harvesting Kit Influences the standard of Crops
The DriFlower hang harvesting equipment available was designed with the standard of cannabis or hemp flowers in mind. Jay Larkins just couldn’t help but come up with a higherthanks to maintain the standard of crops.

And after a few years of unwavering dedication, we created an efficient and reliable system that simplifies the harvesting of cannabis and hemp, organizes transport and drying, and manages your space.

Our hang harvesting kits influence the standard of crops within the following ways:

These kits require no quite one touch
One man can accomplish what more manpower can accomplish in a very fraction of your time. supported our findings, the more hands touching your crops, the more damage and loss you tend to suffer.

Conventional methods require many stages of hand-touching and using tools like nets requires you to push and pull plants through small openings. This puts your crops in dangerof harm.

The cannabis drying kit requires only 1 touch at the cutting stage, and as you hang the flowers on the hangers, that’s the last time you’re ever touching them until they’re dry. This helps preserve your product quality.

The plants like gravity
When you hang your cannabis or hemp products on the harvesting kits, the flowers take pleasure in gravity because the nectar from the stem flows freely into the flowers.

Harvesting kits minimize breakage or crumbling
Using the cannabis drying kit takesthe necessity to stack crops on top of every other and totes over totes, which minimizes breakage and crumbling.

You can easily move one hanger or a complete stick of hangers loaded with fresh flowers to the drying space. The harvesting kits keep your drying space organized with maximum efficiency and minimum loss.

Harvesting kits eliminate off-gassing
The method of cutting crops and stacking them during a tote before transporting them to the dry space can cause off-gassing, reducing the standard of your crops.

On the opposite hand, hanging fresh crops on the harvesting kits helps increase airflow, thereby preventing off-gassing in any way.

So but improving workflow, the DriFlower’s harvesting kits improve your airflow.

Step Up Your Harvesting Game Today
If you truly want to urgethe simplest quality of crops, the hang harvesting kits are just the correct solution to stay your plant in fine condition without losing its resin and oils, in addition as its visual appeal.

The best part is that you just get to avoid wasting space, time, and money. only one man can accomplish such a lot within a time, space, and manpower..

You can get the hang harvesting kit today or buy our hangers & hardware to custom build your kit to fit your needs and preference.

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